The founders of Player One hail from one of Hong Kong’s biggest entertainment groups and are expanding their portfolio again. Media Asia and AMusic have been known as some of Asia’s most influential all-around entertainment companies, pioneering the industry in live concerts, film, TV, artist management, music production, and publishing.

From this emerges the creation of Player One. Player One is a Hong Kong and New York based entertainment company with a vision to bring the world’s best entertainment to Asia.

We hold ourselves to the highest traditional Hong Kong values of integrity, transparency, and professionalism combined with a modern twist of progressiveness. Delivering quality experiences to our fans and treating our visiting artists as if they were guests in our own homes are some of our company’s top priorities.

We are dedicated to contribute to a better world through entertainment that exceeds the expectations of the millions of lives we touch through our year-round productions.

This is more than entertainment. It’s a movement to inspire. Join us today.


Player One是由香港最大的娛樂集團之一創辦而成 —— 寰亞和AMusic是亞洲最具影響力的娛樂公司之一,在演唱會、電影、電視、藝人管理和音樂製作等方面均是表表者。各方面的優勢造就了Player One的創造力,目標是把全世界最好的娛樂帶到亞洲。
